Date: January 20, 2022
SAN BERNARDINO — San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS), in partnership with the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, is launching a pilot project called “Civil Liberties: Know Your Rights.” The pilot consists of educational resources that will be offered to high school students at three County Schools sites.
“I am excited that we are offering this extended learning opportunity for our students that strengthens communication, collaboration and community around their needs, opinions and experiences with government entities and law enforcement,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “This would not have been possible without San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson’s initiative to make the understanding of civil liberties more accessible. I thank the San Bernardino District Attorney’s Office for our partnership.”
The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office initiated the project and offered to lead conversations directly with students from designated school sites coordinated by SBCSS. San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson and other guest speakers will facilitate open dialogue through a framework that explains students’ rights, help them navigate interactions with government actors in a positive and affirming way, as well as explain the roles and responsibilities of government officials as they relate to civil liberties.
“The proper balance between an ordered and safe community and guarding individual rights from government overreach intersects when we know our civil liberties granted in our Constitution. This knowledge should not be reserved for lawyers and professors,” said District Attorney Jason Anderson. “This information is as valuable as the trades and skills students learn in school, and I believe our children should be educated about their rights in school. Together with SBCSS, we are hopeful this course will equip our students to better understand and properly assert their rights.”

Top row (left to right): Director of SBCSS Children Deserve Success Don English, SBCSS Chief of Equity and Access Dr. Cherina Betters, SBCTA President Yvonne Molles and SBCSS Safety Compliance Manager Daniel Marmolejo.
Bottom row (left to right): San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson, County Superintendent Ted Alejandre and Deputy District Attorney Henry Rosas
The civil liberties pilot project kickoff took place virtually on Jan. 19. Approximately 90 students from County School sites including Barbara Phelps Community Day School, Chaffey West Community Day School and Bob Murphy Community Day School will be participating in the six-week course which provides a foundational focus on the criminal justice system as it relates to the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments.
The pilot project came to fruition after San Bernardino County District Attorney Anderson participated on a panel for an SBCSS webinar series in 2020.
After conversations with District Attorney Anderson, County Superintendent Alejandre created a team to work with the District Attorney’s office to explore ways that would benefit students who may be struggling with issues related to government contact, whether it may involve law enforcement or school leaders.
Supplemental educational resources were created in partnership with the University of La Verne Justice Center, Social Justice Advocacy Project and the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Office of Equity and Access. The San Bernardino County Teachers Association (SBCTA) provided support for our educators. SBCSS staff worked closely with designated principals and teachers selected to lead the pilot at each site.
For more news and information, visit the SBCSS Newsroom and follow us @SBCountySchools on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. #transforminglives.
For San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office information visit the SBCountyDA website, and follow us at @SBCountyDA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
SBCSS Contacts: Jenny Owen, MaryRone Shell
Phone: (909) 386-2413
SBCDA Contact: Jacquelyn Rodriguez
Phone: (909) 382-3665