It happens in every state, in nearly every town, and right here in our community. Human trafficking.
Human Trafficking involves one or more individuals who deprive and/or violate another individuals liberty, with the intent of obtaining forced labor, servitude, or for sexual exploitation.
As of 2022, California is listed as the #1 state with the highest incidents of human trafficking in the United States. The inland empire is a known hot spot for human trafficking activity with its location so close in proximity to tourist staples such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and the High Desert areas all within easy traveling distance.
Since 2012, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office has reviewed or filed charges against over 800 defendants in cases involving human trafficking. Charges in many of these cases include pimping, pandering, assault, and human trafficking a minor for sex acts.
As legislation such as newly enacted SB357 continues to curb law enforcement efforts in reducing the prevalence of prostitution and human trafficking, many more victims including minors, will be left in dangerous and violent situations.
That’s why partnerships with community organizations such as Delta Sigma Theta Inc., are vital to promote awareness and education working towards ending human trafficking.
In January, our Office partnered with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., the Love Foundation, and Project Fighting Chance in hosting a career readiness workshop for young women supported by the Open Door program that provides services for human trafficking survivors. Hairstylists provided free services and professional attire was donated as the women learned tips on how to present themselves for future career opportunities.

“Our Sorority is founded on social action,” said Chapter President, Erica Shorts in a press release. “With that foundation and commitment to improving the health, well being, and future of our communities, our Chapter is focusing our talents and resources to end the exploitation of our youth and adults through this form of modern day slavery.”
In addition to the workshop, chapter members of Delta Sigma Theta and San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office Public Affairs Officer Jacquelyn Rodriguez, developed an educational presentation for youth groups, teachers and parents on identifying how human trafficking exploiters groom, lure, and trap their victims, while sharing resources within the county that are available for victims and survivors to get help and stay safe.

“Presenting this information is a way to empower our community to combat human trafficking,” said Public Affairs Officer Jacquelyn Rodriguez. “Our Office is fortunate to have advocates like the Delta Sigma Theta’s Sorority working with us toward a common goal to raise awareness and save lives.”
If your school or organization is interested in learning more about this initiative or hosting a presentation please reach out to:
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated at or the District Attorney’s Office at