Presentations on the Bureau of Victim Services are done to inform the community about the different resources our office has to offer to Victims of crime, Survivors, and their families.
We hope to inform the community about the assistance that our Advocates can provide so that if someone is in need, they know we have an entire team here to support them.
Our presentations consist of the following topics, but are not limited to:
- Overview of the types of crime victims that we serve
- The “Victims Bill of Rights Act of 2008: Marsy’s Law”
- The criminal justice system and the court process.
- Mandatory services that victim service centers are required to perform as well as additional services that are provided
- Information about obtaining financial assistance through the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB)
- Information on our K9 unit
- Information on our crisis response team
- Information about Camp Good Grief
Our office will provide presentations to a variety of organizations in San Bernardino County. We are available for law enforcement agencies, community partners, non-profit organizations, schools, and community events. All requests will be reviewed and considered, but not guaranteed until final confirmation by our office.
To request a presentation, please email our public affairs office at